Kinto Support Group Guidelines
Support groups are a great place for caregivers to connect with each other and provide emotional support.
After you meet with your Coach, your Support Group will be accessible to you through virtual group meetings, as well as through a group chat feature in the app.
Your Kinto Coach will facilitate your live virtual group sessions and will do their best to foster a safe and trusting environment for all. While your Coach will also participate in your Support Group chat, that space is more directly organized by you and other caregivers in your group.
Here are some suggested guidelines for participating in Kinto Support Groups:
Please try to be on time so that we can limit distractions once the live virtual session has started.
It will take time to build trust with each other. Please be patient with yourself and the rest of your group as we begin to get to know each other and build our comfort level.
Each week, your Coach and facilitator will come with a topic to discuss. This is meant to guide the conversation - we understand that other topics may come up and that’s totally okay!
Our support groups are 60 minutes. We try to keep our groups small so that everyone feels like they have the opportunity to share. With that in mind, please be respectful of the time we have together and help us make sure everyone has a chance to speak, if they wish to.
As you continue to chat with your group in the Kinto app, please continue to be supportive and refrain from using inappropriate and offensive language.
Please be respectful of your fellow group members. We realize that we may not all share the same interests, backgrounds or beliefs but ask that we show respect for each other and act appropriately at all times.
This is a safe space. We ask that anything shared in the group, stays in the group.
If information is shared that leads your Coach to believe that your loved one is being taken advantage of (physically, emotionally or financially), your Coach will reach out to you privately. If no steps are being taken to ensure your loved one’s safety, your Coach will be legally required to report this to their supervisor and the authorities.